1. Explanatory Feedback through Vision-Language Augmented Image Color Aesthetic Assessment Model for Interior Image Color Combination Generation
    (군중 선호도 데이터를 활용한 공간 디자인 이미지의 설명적 평가 및 색채 조합 생성 시스템과 방법)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Semin Jin
    Korea Patent Application 10-2024-0054887
     on 2024.04.24.
  2. 3D Shape Manipulation Method and System with Multi-objective Preference Bayesian Optimization
    (다목적 선호도 베이지안 최적화 기반 3D 형상 편집 시스템 및 그 방법)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seung Won Lee, Jiin Choi
    Korea Patent Application 10-2024-0054886
     on 2024.04.24.
  3. Text-Conditional Shape Parameter Utilization System for Inferring Design Preferences in 3D Design Space
    (3D 디자인 공간 속 디자인 선호 추론을 위한 텍스트 조건부 형상 매개변수 활용 시스템)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Jiin Choi, Seung Won Lee
    Korea Patent Application 10-2024-0054885
     on 2024.04.24.
  4. Method of Generating Design Based on User Preference
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seung Won Lee, Jiin Choi
    US Patent Application 18411182
     on 2024.01.12.
  5. Design Generation Method Based on User Preference
    (인테리어 제품 검색 서비스 제공 방법 및 장치)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Semin Jin, Jiin Choi
    Korea Patent Application 10-2023-0171111
     on 2023.11.30.
  6. Design Generation Method Based on User Preference
    (사용자 선호도 기반의 디자인 생성 방법)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seung Won Lee, Jiin Choi
    Korea Patent Application 10-2023-0159030
    Register  Decision
     on 2024.02.04.
  7. Freehand Sketch Image Generating Method and System for Machine Learning
    Kyungwon Yun, Roger Blanco, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban
    US Patent 11823308
     on 2023.11.21.
  8. Method and System for 3d Modeling Based on Irregular-Shaped Sketch
    Kyungwon Yun, Roger Blanco, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban
    US Patent Application 17583306
     on 2023.07.06.
  9. Drawing Information Provision Mathod and Apparatus for Design Collaboration
    (디자인 협업을 위한 도면 정보 제공 방법 및 장치)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Hoyoung Maeng
    Korea Patent Application 10-2022-0159332
     on 2022.11.24.
  10. Information Search Method Based on Search Action and Gaze of User
    (사용자의 시선 및 탐색 액션에 기반한 정보 탐색 방법 및 장치)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seung Won Lee, Hwan Kim, Taeha Yi
    Korea Patent Application 10-2022-0159323
     on 2022.11.24.
  11. Method for Clustering Design Image
    (디자인 이미지 클러스터링 방법)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Kihoon Son, Seung Won Lee
    Korea Patent Application 10-2022-0089270
     on 2022.07.20.
  12. Information Search Method Based on User Action
    (사용자 액션 기반 정보 탐색 방법)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Kihoon Son
    Korea Patent Application 10-2022-0075925
     on 2022.06.22.
  13. Method and System for Providing 3D Model Automatic Generation Interface
    (3차원 모델 자동 생성 인터페이스 제공 방법 및 시스템)

    Kyungwon Yun, Roger Blanco, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban, Hwan Kim
    Korea Patent 10-2021-0191656
    on 2022.11.25.
  14. Freehand Sketch Image Generating Method and System for Machine Learning
    (기계학습을 위한 프리핸드 스케치 이미지 생성 방법 및 시스템)

    Kyungwon Yun, Roger Blanco, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban
    Korea Patent 10-2403256
    on 2022.05.30.
  15. Method and System for 3d Modeling Based on Irregular-Shaped Sketch
    (비정형 스케치 기반 3차원 모델링 방법 및 시스템)

    Kyungwon Yun, Roger Blanco, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban
    Korea Patent 10-2410047
    on 2022.06.13.
  16. Method and System for Providing Design Feedback
    (디자인 피드백 제공 방법 및 시스템)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Kihoon Son
    Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT/KR2021/019810
     on 2021.12.24.
  17. Method and System for Providing Design Feedback
    (디자인 피드백 제공 방법 및 시스템)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Kihoon Son
    Korea Patent Application 10-2021-0035293
    on 2022.12.27.
  18. Method for Generating Drawing Data and Apparatus for Supporting Collaborative Design
    (도면 데이터 생성 방법 및 도면 데이터를 이용하는 디자인 협업 지원 장치)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Kihoon Son, Hwiwon Chun, Sojin Park
    Korea Patent 10-2409715
     on 2022.06.13.
  19. Method and Apparatus for Redistribution of Shared Transportation
    (공유 교통수단 재분배 방법 및 장치)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban
    Korea Patent 10-2286983
    on 2021.08.02.
  20. Automated Design Generation Method and System
    (자동화된 디자인 생성 방법 및 시스템)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Seonghoon Ban
    Korea Patent 10-2095118
    Tech. Transferred
    on 2022.06.27.

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