Associate Professor
Design Informatics Lab
Department of Interior Architecture Design
Hanyang University

Office: HECO Building #511
Phone: +82-2-2220-1189


Kyung Hoon Hyun is a computational designer whose passion lies in researching design automation and human-computer interaction. Through his work, he develops design tools and methods that assist designers in exploring their creativity. He has a keen interest in exploring the connections among design, informatics, and cutting-edge technologies to aid design exploration. His research interests include style quantification, automatic design alternative generation, 3D sketch-based modeling, and Bayesian model-based design support systems. With over 50 peer-reviewed academic papers, Prof. Hyun has made significant contributions to the field of computational design. His work has been published in top-tier journals and conferences, including Advanced Engineering Informatics, Automation in Construction, Computer-Aided Design, CHI, and SIGGRAPH. He serves as an editorial board member of the Archives of Design Research, the Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling, the Korean Institute of Interior Design, the Korean Housing Association.

Prof. Hyun holds a Ph.D. from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in computational design, and he also holds Master's and Bachelor's degrees in industrial design from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), respectively. Before pursuing his Ph.D., Prof. Hyun worked as a user experience designer at Samsung SDS, Experientia S.R.L, and Pilotfish GmbH, located in Korea, Italy, and Germany, respectively. He also served as a public designer for the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which allowed him to work on various projects related to urban design and planning. Currently, Prof. Hyun is a project partner at Recon Labs Inc., where he continues to develop new methods and tools to support designers in their creative process. 

현경훈 교수는 디자인 컴퓨팅 연구를 하고 있으며 (세부분야: 디자인 자동화 및 인간-컴퓨터 상호작용), 이를 통해 디자이너들이 창의적 결과물을 만드는데 집중할 수 있도록 디자인 도구 및 방법을 제공하는 것을 목표로 한다. 그는 디자인, 정보, 그리고 최신 기술을 연계하여 사용자 및 디자이너 모두에게 도움이 될 수 있는 방법 연구에 관심을 두고 있다. 대표적으로 그는 스타일 정량화, 디자인 대안 자동 생성, 3D 스케치 기반 모델링, 베이지안 모델 기반 디자인 지원 시스템 등의 혁신적인 디자인 연구들을 제시해오고 있다. 이러한 노력으로 도출된 연구 결과를 Advanced Engineering Informatics, Automation in Construction, Computer-Aided Design, CHI, SIGGRAPH 를 포함한 국내외 저명한 학술지 및 학술대회에 약 50편의 논문을 게재하였다. 또한, Archives of Design Research, 한국BIM학회, 한국실내디자인학회, 한국주거학회에서 편집위원으로 활동하고 있다.

현교수는 한국과학기술원(KAIST)에서 컴퓨테이셔널 디자인 연구로 공학박사를 취득하였고, 로드 아일랜드 디자인 스쿨(RISD)일리노이 대학교(UIUC)에서 산업디자인 전공으로 석사 및 학사 학위를 받았다. 그는 한국, 독일, 이탈리아에 위치한 삼성 SDS, Experientia S.R.L, Pilotfish GmbH에서 디자이너로 일했었고, 서울특별시 소속 공공디자이너로 활동하였다. 그는 현재 Recon Labs Inc.에서 프로젝트 파트너로써 협업 및 자문을 수행중이다.


  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    Doctorate Degree (전문연구요원): Culture Technology (Computational Design)
    Dissertation: Quantification of Styling Strategies for the Management of Design
    Advisor: Ji-Hyun Lee
    2012 - 2016
  • Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
    Master's Degree: Industrial Design
    Thesis: Translation from Nuance to Command: The Generative Visualization of the Meaning of the Words
    Advisor: Beth Mosher
    2010 - 2012
    🥇 Norman Bel Geddes Award
  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)
    Bachelor's Degree: Industrial Design
    2006 - 2010
    🥇 James Hansen Industrial Design Merit Award 


  • Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
    Department of Interior Architecture Design
    • Associate Professor
      2023.3 - Present
    • Department Chair
      2020.3 - 2023.8
    • Assistant Professor
      2017.3 - 2023.2
  • University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, USA
    School of Architecture
    Visiting Professor
    2023.8 - 2024.8
  • InteriAR Inc., Seoul, Korea
    Founding CEO
    2022 - Present
  • RECON Labs Inc., Seoul, Korea
    2019 - Present
  • Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea
    Public Designer
    2019 - 2021
  • Eone Timepiece, Boston, USA
    • Design Consultant
      2018 - 2020
    • Product Designer
      2011 - 2012
  • Samsung SDS, Seoul, Korea
    CX Team
    Senior Engineer
    2016 - 2017


Refereed Papers

  1. HAPshop: How Haptic Information Affects Consumers’ Purchase Intentions Toward Online Products
    Hwan Kimco-FA, Haejoo Hanco-FA, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Computers in Human Behavior (2025) 166: 108580
    Top 4%
    (Psychology, Experimental; Psychology, Multidiciplinary, IF=9.9)
  2. CMLsearch: Semantic Visual Search and Simulation through Segmented Colour, Material, and Lighting in Interior Image
    Semin Jinco-FA, Jiin Choico-FA, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (2025) 12.1: 179–299
    Top 9%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Multidisciplinary, IF=4.9)
  3. Typeface Network and the Principle of Font Pairing
    Jiin Choi, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Scientific Reports (2024) 14: 30820
    Top 21%
    (Multidisciplinary, IF=4.6)
  4. The Impact of Sketch-guided vs. Prompt-guided 3D Generative AIs on the Design Exploration Process
    Seung Won Lee, Tae Hee Jo, Semin Jin, Jiin Choi, Kyungwon Yun, Sergio Bromberg, Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2024 Paper
    Honolulu, USA

    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)
  5. BIGaze: An Eye-Gaze Action-Guided Bayesian Information Gain Framework for Information Exploration
    Seung Won Leeco-FA, Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Advanced Engineering Informatics (2023) 58: 102159
    Top 1%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Multidisciplinary, IF=8.800)

  6. Intersection of Seeing: New Ways of Experiencing Reality Using Autonomous Volumetric Capture System
    Seonghoon Ban, Taeha Yi, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Art Paper
    Los Angeles, USA

    (BKCSA024, h5-index=103)
  7. HAPmini: 2D Haptic Feedback Generation Using Single Actuator Device
    Hwan Kim, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    PLoS ONE (2023) 18.4: e0285002
    Top 34%
    (Multidisciplinary, IF=3.752)

  8. Enhancing Design Activity and Review Experience Through Hybridizing Desktop and Virtual Environments
    Hwan Kimco-FA, Taeha Yico-FA, Hyoung-June Park, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Journal of Interior Design (2023) 48.1
    Top 10%

  9. Analysis of Pairings of Colors and Materials of Furnishings in Interior Design with a Data-Driven Framework
    Bo Hyeon Park, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (2022) 9.6: 2419-2438
    Top 11%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Multidisciplinary, IF=6.167)

  10. CreativeSearch: Proactive Design Exploration System with Bayesian Information Gain and Information Entropy
    Kihoon Sonco-FA, Seung Won Leeco-FA, Wondeuk Yoon, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Automation in Construction (2022) 142: 104502
    Top 1%
    (Construction & Building Technology, IF=10.517)

  11. BIGexplore: Bayesian Information Gain Framework for Information Exploration
    Kihoon Sonco-FA, Kyungmin Kimco-FA, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2022 Paper
    New Orleans, USA
    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)

  12. Designer-Centric Spatial Design Support
    Kihoon Son, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Automation in Construction (2022) 137: 104195
    Top 1%
    (Construction & Building Technology, IF=10.517)

  13. Effects of Virtual Stores' Opaque Exterior on Store Perceptions and Purchase Intentions
    Haejoo Han, Sujin Park, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2022) 50.13: 77-94
    Top 48%
    (Business & Management, IF=3.771)

  14. Real-Time Physical Prototyping Tool Design Based on Shape-Changing Display
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA 
    Applied Sciences (2021) 11.9: 4181
    Top 42%
    (Physics, Applied, IF=2.474)
  15. Multi-Objective Pareto Optimization of Tensile Membrane Architecture for Energy Harvesting
    Hoyoung Maeng, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Applied Sciences (2020) 10.18: 6231
    Top 35%
    (Physics, Applied, IF=2.217)
  16. Pixel of Matter: New Ways of Seeing with an Active Volumetric Filmmaking System
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Leonardo (ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 - Art Paper) (2020) 53.4: 434-437
    Top 1%
    (Art, Art & Architecture)

  17. C-Space: An Interactive Prototyping Platform for Collaborative Spatial Design Exploration
    Kihoon Son, Hwiwon Chun, Sojin Park, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2020 Paper
    Honolulu, USA

    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)

  18. 3D Computational Sketch Synthesis Framework: Assisting Design Exploration Through Generating Variations of User Input Sketch and Interactive 3D Model Reconstruction
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA 
    Computer-Aided Design (2020) 120: 102789
    Top 18%
    (Computer Science, Software Engineering, IF=2.947)

  19. Image-based Tactile Emojis: Improved Interpretation of Message Intention and Higher Emotional Clarity for Visually Impaired Individuals
    Yuri Choi, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun Lee
    Human-Computer Interaction (2020) 35.1: 40-69
    Top 12%
    (Computer Science, Cybernetics, IF=4.667)
  20. Directional Force Feedback: Mechanical Force Concentration for Immersive Experience in Virtual Reality
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Applied Sciences (2019) 9.18: 3692
    Top 45%
    (Physics, Applied, IF=2.217)

  21. Designing User Participation-based Bike Rebalancing Service
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Sustainability (2019) 11.8: 2396
    Top 38%
    (Environmental Science; Green, Sustainable Science, Technology, IF=2.075)
  22. Curvature-based Distribution Algorithm: Rebalancing Bike-Sharing System with Agent-Based Simulation
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Journal of Visualization (2019) 22.3: 587-607
    Top 90%
    (Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, IF=0.971)
  23. Balancing Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in Design Exploration by Synthesizing Novel Design Alternatives based on Genetic Algorithm and Strategic Styling Decision
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    Advanced Engineering Informatics (2018) 38: 113-128
    Top 12%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Multidisciplinary, IF=3.358)
  24. The Gap between Design Intent and User Response: Identifying Typical and Novel Car Design Elements among Car Brands for Evaluating Visual Significance
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA, Minki Kim
    Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2017) 28.7: 1729-1741
    Top 15%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; IF=3.667)

  25. A Rule-Based Design Support System for Theme Park Servicescape
    Aram Min, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Sun-Joong Kim, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    Advanced Engineering Informatics (2017) 32.2: 77-91
    Top 20%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Multidisciplinary, IF=3.358)

  26. Style Synthesis and Analysis of Car Designs for Style Quantification Based on Product Appearance Similarities
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA, Minki Kim, Sulah Cho
    Advanced Engineering Informatics (2015) 29.3: 483-494
    Top 21%
    (Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Multidisciplinary, IF=2.000)

Refereed Journals

  1. Enhancing the Interior Design Process with Crowdsourced Furnishing Pairing Recommendations
    Semin Jin, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Archives of Design Research (2024) 37.2: 79-100
    (Computer-Aided Design, Architecture)

    🥇 The Research Paper Excellence Award
  2. The Effect of Haptic Device on Product Evaluation in VR Store
    Hwan Kim, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal (2023) 32.2
    (Art, Design)

  3. Detecting Design Idea Divergence Strategy in the Early Design Phase
    Seung Won Lee, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal (2023) 32.1
    (Art, Design)

  4. PlicAR: Enhancing Online Product Evaluation and Shopping Experience through Augmented Reality Based 3D Model Visualization Service
    Hwan Kim, Jongbum Woo, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Archives of Design Research (2022) 35.3: 145-159
    (Computer-Aided Design, Architecture)

  5. Interior Design Network of Furnishing and Color Pairing with Object Detection and Color Analysis based on Deep Learning
    Bo Hyeon Park, Kihoon Son, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Communications in Computer and Information Science (CAAD FUTURES 2021 - Paper) (2022) 1465: 237-249
    (Computer Science, Mathematics)

  6. Human-Building Interaction Trends and Prospects
    Aram Min, Kyung Hoon Hyun
    Korean Insititute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems (2021) 15.4: 6-13
  7. A Deep Learning Driven Method to Analyze Large Scale Dataset of Korean Apartment Unit Floor Plan - Focused on the Korean Apartment from 1970 to 2020
    (딥러닝 기반 아파트 단위 평면 빅데이터 분석 연구)

    Hoyoung Maeng, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal (2021) 30.3: 65-76
    (Art, Design)

    🥇 Best Paper Award

  8. Analyzing the Impact of Design Creativity on Spatial Layout Design Depending on the Level of Detail (LoD) of a Design Reference
    (디자인 참고 사례의 LoD(Level of Detail)에 따른 공간 레이아웃 디자인의 창의성 분석 연구)

    Kihoon Son, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal (2020) 29.3: 175-185
    (Art, Design)

  9. Investigating Cultural Uniqueness in Theme Parks Through Finding Relationships Between Visual Integration of Visitor Traffics and Capacity of Service Facilities
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Aram Min, Sun-Joong Kim, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    International Journal of Architectural Computing (2016) 14.3: 247-254
    (Computer Science, Engineering)

  10. The Effect of Color, Material and Finishing Design on Purchase Intent.
    (색상, 재질과 마감 (CMF) 디자인이 구매욕구에 미치는 영향)

    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Junggi Park, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    Design Research (2016) 1.2: 56-63

Refereed Conferences

  1. Advancing 3D CAD with Workflow Graph-Driven Bayesian Command Inferences
    Yugyeong Jang, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2024 LBW
    Honolulu, USA

    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)
  2. The Impact of Sketch-guided vs. Prompt-guided 3D Generative AIs on the Design Exploration Process
    Seung Won Lee, Tae Hee Jo, Semin Jin, Jiin Choi, Kyungwon Yun, Sergio Bromberg, Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2024 Paper
    Honolulu, USA

    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)
  3. Intersection of Seeing: New Ways of Experiencing Reality Using Autonomous Volumetric Capture System
    Seonghoon Ban, Taeha Yi, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Art Paper
    Los Angeles, USA

    (BKCSA024, h5-index=103)
  4. BIGexplore: Bayesian Information Gain Framework for Information Exploration
    Kihoon Sonco-FA, Kyungmin Kimco-FA, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2022 Paper
    New Orleans, USA

    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)

  5. Understanding Design Experience in Virtual Reality for Interior Design Process
    Hwan Kim, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAADRIA 2022 Paper
    Sydney, Australia.
  6. Interior Design Network of Furnishing and Color Pairing with Object Detection and Color Analysis based on Deep Learning
    Bo Hyeon Park, Kihoon Son, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAAD FUTURES 2021 Paper
    Los Angeles, USA

  7. Data-Driven Analysis of Spatial Patterns Through Large-Scale Datasets of Building Floor Plan
    Hoyoung Maeng, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAADRIA 2021 Paper
    Hong Kong, China

  8. A Framework for Multivariate Data Based Floor Plan Retrieval and Generation
    Kihoon Son, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAADRIA 2021 Paper
    Hong Kong, China

    🥇 Young CAADRIA Award (Top 14%)
  9. Pixel of Matter: New Ways of Seeing with an Active Volumetric Filmmaking System
    Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Art Paper
    Washington, USA

    (BKCSA024, h5-index=103)
  10. Ambiguous vs. Concrete: Identifying the Effect of Design References with Various Level of Details on Designer’s Creativity in the Early Design Phase
    Kihoon Son, Hwiwon Chun, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAADRIA 2020 Paper
    Bangkok, Thailand

  11. Optimizing Tensile Membrane Architecture for Energy Harvesting
    Hoyoung Maeng, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAADRIA 2020 Paper
    Bangkok, Thailand

  12. C-Space: An Interactive Prototyping Platform for Collaborative Spatial Design Exploration
    Kihoon Son, Hwiwon Chun, Sojin Park, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    ACM CHI 2020 Paper
    Honolulu, USA

    (BKCSA003, h5-index=113)

  13. Rapid Space Design Prototyping Tool Based on Augmented Reality and Tangible User Interface
    Kihoon Son, Seonghoon Ban, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    CAADRIA 2019 Poster
    Wellington, New Zealand

  14. The Impact of Early Design Stage Focused Design Education to Interior Architecture Design Students
    Kyung Hoon Hyun
    IAPS 2018 Poster
    Rome, Italy

  15. Computational Sketch Synthesis: Enhancing Design Creativity Through Interactive Sketch Morphing in Digital Environment
    Kyung Hoon Hyun
    CAADRIA 2018 Paper
    Beijing, China

  16. Designing Information for Artificial Intelligence: Path Recommendation and User Acceptance in a Virtual Space
    Jong Myung Lee, Kyung Hoon HyunCA
    IASDR 2017 Paper
    Cincinnati, USA

  17. The Effect of DJs’ Social Network on Music Popularity
    Hyungseok Wi, Kyung Hoon Hyun, Jongpil Lee, Won-jae LeeCA.
    ICMC 2016 Paper
    Utrecht, Netherlands

  18. Synthesis of Car Styling: Design Upgrades Based On Strategic Styling Positioning
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    DCC 2016 Paper
    Evanston, USA

  19. Strategic Design Management for Vertically Differentiated Firms via Design Quantification
    Sulah Cho, Minki KimCA, Insung Song, Ji-Hyun Lee, Kyung Hoon Hyun
    ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2015 Paper
    Baltimore, USA

  20. Finding Relationships between Visitor Traffics around Major Attractions and the Surrounding Environments in Theme Parks
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Aram Min, Sun-Joong Kim, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    CAADRIA 2015 Paper
    Daegu, Korea

  21. Identifying Unique Car Design Elements Among Car Brands for Evaluating Visual Significance
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    DEWS 2014 Paper
    Taipei, Taiwan

  22. Investigating the Effects of User Age on Readability
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA, Hwon Ihm
    HCII 2014 Paper
    Heraklion, Greece

  23. Style Analysis Methodology: Identifying the Car Brand Design Trends through Hierarchical Clustering
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Ji-Hyun LeeCA, Minki Kim, Sulah Cho
    CAADRIA 2014 Paper
    Kyoto, Japan

  24. Balance between Cultural Features and Service Design in International Theme Parks
    Kyung Hoon Hyun, Sun-Joong Kim, Ji-Hyun LeeCA
    IASDR 2013 Paper
    Tokyo, Japan

  25. Design Democracy
    Kyung Hoon Hyun
    Word/Image 2012 Paper
    New York, USA


  • 🥇 2023년 신진연구자상 (2024) - 한양대학교
  • 🥇 2022년 06월 이달의 연구자 (2022) - 한양대학교
  • 🥇 Red Dot Design Award (2021) - Advisor: Chatty Leaf
  • 🥇 Best Paper Award (2021) - Korea Institute of Interior Design
  • 🥇 Best Paper Award (2016) - Korea Institute of Design Research Society
  • 🥇 Norman Bel Geddes Award (2012) - Rhode Island School of Design: Thesis Exellence Award
  • 🥇 Red Dot Design Award (2010) - Winner: The Foldable Hanger
  • 🥇 Modern Painters Re:vision Award (2010) - Finalist: The Foldable Hanger
  • 🥇 E-Waste Competition (2009) - Bronze Award: Penta Chair
  • 🥇 James Hansen Industrial Design Merit Award (2006) - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



  • Journal of the Korean Housing Association (KHousing)
    Deputy Editor-in-Chief
    2024 - Present
  • Archives of Design Research (ADR)
    Guest Editor (Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence and Computation in Design)
    2023 - 2024
  • Archives of Design Research (ADR)
    Editorial Board
    2022 - Present
  • Journal of Korea Institute of Building Information Modeling (KIBIM)
    Deputy Editor-in-Chief
    2023 - Present
  • Journal of Korea Institute of Interior Design (KIID)
    Editorial Board
    2021 - Present
  • CAADRIA 2022
    Paper Selection Committee
    2021 - 2022


  • Korea Society of Design Science (KSDS)
    Executive Board
    2024 - Present
  • Korea Society of Design Science (KSDS)
    Chair of Special Interest Group on Computational Design (SIGCD)
    2022 - Present
  • KIID
    Executive Board
    2020 - Present
  • Korea Society of Interior Architects and Designers (KOSID)
    Executive Board
    2020 - 2021
  • KIID
    Design Innovation Committee
    2018 - 2020
    Officer (Web Master)
    2018 - 2022

Session Chair

  • KSDS 2022
    Special Session: Design Technology
  • CAADRIA 2021
    Session: Building Information Modeling
  • CAADRIA 2020
    Session: Simulation & Analysis
  • KIID 2019
    Session: Oral Presentation B

Award Selection

  • CAADRIA 2018
    Best Presentation Award Committee

Paper Reviewer


  • Advanced Engineering Informatics
  • Architectural Engineering and Design Management
  • Archives of Design Research
  • Automation in Construction
  • Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • Journal of Building Engineering
  • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
  • Journal of Engineering Design
  • Journal of Korea Housing Association
  • Journal of Korea Institute of Interior Design
  • Journal of Mechanical Design
  • Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  • Scientific Reports
  • Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation

  • Conferences

    2019 - 2025
    2020 - 2021
    2015, 2023


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